Strategy Consulting & Planning
An arts organization must innovate in order to excel in communicating, representing and marketing its art where knowledge and foresight matter.
Are you ready to reach your goals?
Knowledge & Innovative Strategies
Recent market trends have highlighted a continuous shift towards a globalized, virtual culture, customer loyalty erosion, reduced governmental support and rapid technological advances that catapult more competing artists to an art market than ever before.
With so many organizations vying for the same dollar, exhibition opportunities and recognition, how can one succeed without having proper understanding of external and internal forces predetermining their success?
An organization’s ability to take advantage of emerging opportunities and avoiding pit falls of inefficiencies are defined by proper planning and hedging against foreseeable trends.
That is why a forward looking strategic plan is a vital tool for any organization’s success.
“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”
We believe that accurate information allows arts organizations make informed decisions, while managing internal and external changes.
That is why we sift through dozens of industry reports, market indicators and forecasts to help you find and disseminate appropriate information so your company can understand political, economic, social, technological and legal industry trends and gain the best competitive advantage.
Arts organizations, like all companies, go through times of expansion and contraction. Art d' Art LLC will work with you to anticipate, plan for and manage such changes.
We will conduct internal and external analysis, and present you with tools necessary to make revenue enhancing decisions, thus allowing you to continue creating performances and shows of a lifetime, rather than reduce programming or marketing.
A good strategy serves as an invaluable compass during trying times. Without clear direction, organizational decision making often strays from its mission driven goals, especially during times of economic strain. This may leave your organization vulnerable with depleted resources and alienated stakeholders.
We will help you stay the course by identifying short and long term goals and align them to strategies that will stream line staff management, marketing, budget, public relations, fundraising, program development and evaluation, as well as board relations.
A charted journey allows arts administrators connect the dots of opportunity, while leveraging organizational strengths and utilizing every advantage to its fullest.
With strategically aligned milestones, a proper campaign, marketing or operational plan helps manage accountability and hedge against uncertainty.
Once the research is accomplished, analysis conducted and strategies identified, the real work begins.
We will help your organization move from planning to implementation so you can break down barriers and accelerate change. In addition, Art d’ Art consultants will work with your management team to communicate vision based urgency and excitement with your employees and stakeholders to achieve organizational buy-in and reach performance based results.
Appraising results allows arts administrators quickly notice what is working, and what is not, while examining the reasons behind such trends. Evaluation allows arts leaders then make informed decisions, often times needing only slight adjustments (rather then going back to the drawing board) in order to go from good to great.
Art d’ Art consultants will help you design bespoke qualitative and quantitative assessment tools to keep track and assess results of implemented strategies. In addition, such periodic audits may later serve as internal benchmarks for future managers.